
หากมีคำถามหรือข้อสงสัย โปรดติดต่อเราที่นี่


9/103 Moo 5, Phaholyothin Road, Klong Nueng, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120


Tel : 0-2516-4812



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      CREFORM yazaki (Thailand) Co., Ltd., and [our headquarter in Japan, Yazaki Kako Corporation or our affiliate in the United States, CREFORM Corporation or our affiliate in the European Union, CREFORM Technik GmbH]?
      (See further our Privacy Policy on marketing communications.)

      ** You are free to choose either way, without affecting your queries/requests submitted to us.**

      Marketing communications from CREFORM yazaki (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

      Via the following mode(s):

      Marketing communications from [our headquarter in Japan, Yazaki Kako Corporation or our affiliate in the United States, CREFORM Corporation or our affiliate in the European Union, CREFORM Technik GmbH

      Data protection law of [Japan or the United States or the European Union] may be different from Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Law and may not have adequate data protection standards.

      Via the following mode(s):

      ** You may, at any time, withdraw your consent. **

      Please see our Privacy Policy on how to do so, how we process your personal data, etc.

      Date :

      Would you like to know more about CREFORM yazaki (Thailand) Co., Ltd.’s products and services and sales promotions?
      (See further our Privacy Policy on marketing communications.)

      ** You are free to choose either way without affecting your queries/requests submitted to us.**

      Via the following mode(s):

      ** You may, at any time, withdraw your consent. **

      Please see our Privacy Policy on how to do so, how we process your personal data, etc.


