
コンベヤ / ローラー / プラコン
2種類のフレーム (通常タイプ 幅40mm, ワイドタイプ 幅 88.6mm)
3種類のコロ(ローラー)サイズ(Φ15mm, Φ30mm、Φ41mm)

Feature / Strong Point
Not noisy when roller rotate and box on top of roller will slide more smoothly
It is important to select suitable roller to make shooter for box to flow down smoothly
So, CREFORM yazaki recommend suitable roller by checking box and usage
CREFORM yazaki may suggest guide or Karakuri in order to make box flow

SDG’s , Re-Use
Now Green Purchasing is Key factor for Sustainable Development
Our Plastic Roller Conveyor is consisted from Re-Usable components
It is easier to take Roller Wheel Assembly set out.
If frame become so short that can’t use for other usage
Even such case, Roller Wheel Assembly set can be taken out and use with new frame.
It means reduce disposal material



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